viernes, 11 de junio de 2010

New Mystery Items

Required Tools

Credits: PWNTHIS

  1. Download Pink Throne Database
  2. Open fiddler and replace database.dat and shopMystery.dat. The rule editor are as required

  3. Reload Pet Society. If replaced correctly, the 2 lines will be highlighted.
  4. Go to mysteryshop and you will see all the new Mysterybox items and also the treasures that you can dig out with the new digging feature. They are unbuyable however.
  5. Go to mysteryshop/glow in the dark and you will see a pink throne. Click on it and you will see a message to buy it at only 150coins.
  6. Buy 99 of it.
  7. Open all the box and you will get 99 pink thrones.
  8. Sell them at 999coins each.
To open the boxes fast, just follow these steps:

  1. Open cheat engine, select browser in process list
  2. Select Array of bytes, Also scan read-only
  3. Scan "8B403C8945E88B45e885c0"
  4. 1 address, disassemble.
  5. Right click selected code > Replace with code that does nothing
  6. Turbo box opening! have fun.

1 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

se puede conseguir el volcan, pero hay problemas al guardar....

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